Some reviews praise the hundreds of hour you can put in this game, but there is definitely some sunk cost fallacy. While the rance universe is something worthy of your time, this game does not respect your time. Rance definitely meets a lot of hot women and gets to know them better, as you'd expect. There are definitely some RPG elements in the game, and of course there is lots of the trademark Rance humor and wackiness. I'm not a huge strategy fan, even though I recognize that Sengoku Rance is well crafted and well balanced. I guess I find myself really preferring the more RPG-like Rance games, where you explore a map, accept quests, grind for XP, etc. The game is really designed around replaying multiple times, and in fact it's impossible to unlock every CG and see every possible character and story element with a single play. I really felt overwhelmed on my first playthrough, and eventually quit and started over, putting to use what I'd learned on a new playthrough. Prepare to get game over a lot at first, and to be confused by the many game mechanisms that aren't explained super carefully. The game will continue to progress as time goes by, so even if you choose less optimal paths, eventually you'll be forced to confront the key enemies that get revealed over time. The intention, I think, is to learn by trying a bunch of different things out. There are so many things you can do each turn, and very few of them are explained in any detail. There's nothing wrong with a turn-based strategy game, but it's really overwhelming at first. I am sad to say that it just isn't grabbing me, primarily because it feels much more like a turn-based strategy game than an RPG. I have to say, Sengoku Rance is everything people say it is.